The logistics of working from home while juggling childcare duties and taking on the role of teacher is leaving many parents challenged with an impossible juggling act. We spoke to award-winning beauty journalist and stylist Tamara Corin, who is a mum of 5 - juggling everyday life!
What are your tips for juggling motherhood, work and teaching during lockdown?
"Organisation - I try to think one step ahead of the kids, guessing what will go wrong; who will ‘forget’ to brush their teeth, take half an hour to eat a bowl of cereal etc. I always have the kid’s clothes laid out the night before – and mine too, even if we’re going nowhere but downstairs.
Routine - Routine is vital to keep a busy household flowing and gives everyone structure to the day. I use the kids break times to respond to emails, so my inbox doesn’t get out of control. A timetable helps everyone, including myself, to appreciate the weekends more.
Delegate - I’ve learnt overtime that it’s impossible to do everything alone, so I delegate my older kids to do small chores around the house; making the beds, dividing the never-ending piles of laundry into loads, emptying the dishwasher and any other jobs that are kid-friendly."
What tips would you give to other busy mums who need a little moment of self-care?
"This juggle is real whether you have 1,2,3,4 or in my case 5 kids. It’s imperative that we prioritise ourselves, taking time out even if it’s just to get out in the fresh air, alone, for ten minutes!"
"Weave little moments of self-care into your day. I will often sit beside my six-year-old daughter helping her with her work while giving myself a hand massage. The Shea Butter Hand Cream has been my saviour during lockdown. My hands have definitely suffered more than ever this winter, which I’m certain is due to the fact that I’ve been doing more housework in the past year than I’ve done in the last ten!"
"I also regularly spritz the Aqua Réotier Fresh Moisturising Mist on my face when I need a pick-me-up. It’s is like pressing refresh on my skin and my mood. Plus, the light mist means it can go on top of makeup without worrying about smudging. But let’s face it, when was the last time you put your face on? Exactly!"
What Mother’s Day gifts are you gifting this year?
"Unlike years gone past, I have decided to gift not only my own mother but friends who have been my rock through lockdown. I want to get them something that is pampering yet practical. The Petit Remedy pots are perfect. These dinky retro-style tins house a multi-purpose balm, by that I mean, I use it to hydrate my lips, (gives great sheen too) to control fly-aways, I press some along my brow bone and high on my cheekbones, plus I regularly use it on my son’s dry skin patches. It’s nourishing, protecting, pampering, completely natural and just £10. It’s a no-brainer."
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