Respecting Biodiversity

Since 1976, L’OCCITANE has been protecting the richness of our lands and we are committed to defending biodiversity for the generations to come. We celebrate nature and our mission is to give back to it. That is why we are proud to partner with Woodland Trust charity, to fund dedicated tree plantation projects across the UK.
We Are Committed To Our Producers

Organic Lavender From Provence
50% of lavender in Provence is at risk of fading out. Our White Lavender range has been introduced to help preserve the survival of lavender, encouraging biodiversity to thrive.
Our lavender produced in Provence and registered as a protected designation of origin *(PDO) which guarantees the quality and traceability of the essential oil. *(Protected Designation of Origin) label - a guarantee of quality and traceability)
This much-loved flower, so symbolic of Provence, is suffering as a result of climate change. Since 2012, L'OCCITANE has been working with French ecological research institutes to find ways to save lavender, such as selecting new varieties of plants and using innovative cultivation techniques.

Immortelle Grown In Corsica
100% of L’OCCITANE’s immortelle crops in Corsica are organic. For the past 15 years L’OCCITANE has been committed to producing immortelle sustainably.
Our Global Mission

To protect 1,000 species & varieties of plants by 2025
In UK, we are working on a planting tree program with PUR Project, aimed at restoring the migration corridors in key areas for endangered flora and fauna species across the South UK and Victorian border. By planting trees in these areas, we will be supporting the biodiversity of local species as well as boosting agroforestry in farming communities.

- Ensuring our ingredients are traceable from the field to the final product.
- We are protecting the environment by replanting hedgerows and orchards, and supporting organic farming.
Supporting Producers
Our relationship with our producers is precious, and built on trust and mutual respect. They're the ones who grow the locally sourced, traceable ingredients that lie at the heart of our products. We have long-term, non-exclusive contracts with our producers, pay them a fair price, and provide them with technical and financial support. But we want to go even further…
Naturally, a brand that loves nature cares about conservation and sustainability. At L'OCCITANE, we use traceable, sustainably sourced ingredients, making sure that plants are cultivated and harvested without harming the environment or biodiversity. We've even developed supply chains that protect local plant species.